There are many programming languages available for the development of various applications like web-based or mobile-based. In this article, we will compare JAVA and Node Js languages. Here we will talk about which approach they follow and for which application they are mainly used etc.
Java is a programming language. It was created in 1995 and is owned by Oracle. Java is an object-oriented programming language developed by James Gosling and his team at Sun Microsystems. Java language’s syntax is derived from C++ language but is simpler to use and implement. Java is in use since more than last 20 years which makes it more reliable and efficient.
In java you can execute many statements instead of sequentially executing it, also it is an independent programming language which means code written once can be compiled can run on any platform that supports Java. Java facilitates remote debugging.
The only thing to be kept in mind while executing Java programs is that an appropriate and compatible JRE must be installed on the required operating system that can be downloaded from the Java’s official website.
It is taken from Java Development Kit, with the help of Java Development Kit it is possible for us to code and run programs. Java Runtime (JRE) is responsible for running the program and included in the java development kit along with other tools used for development.
Initially, when the java code is written it is converted into byte format with the help of java compiler and then the compiler runs the code and it can be executed on any operating system that has compatible JRE. Java Development Kit is officially named as Java Platform Standard Edition.
It is also possible to install multiple Java development Kit having a different version, but it is always best to have the latest version on your PC. The latest version of java is java 11 which was launched in 2019.
Java language is used to create complete applications that can run on a single computer or can be distributed among clients and servers in a network. Long lengths of code are to be written for application work and to add in all the features required, and hence the result is less rewarding.
Programs that are written using Java are portable and that means that it can be run on any hardware and software using any underlying operating system. The script written using a java programming language is scalable and light. Some of the frameworks developed using Java are Spring, Struts, JSF, Tapestry, and so on.
As it follows multiple thread system, the I/O is synchronous in Java. Development tools used in java are JDK(Java Development Kit), Eclipse IDE, NetBeans, Apache Maven etc. Development of websites through Java is sometimes proven to be slower as compared to Node JS.
Node JS: Node JS is used for creating frontend as well as backend as it is possible to the same JavaScript code.
Node JS was first written by Ryan Dahl in 2009. Node Js is just 10 years old whereas is 24 years old.
Node js is an open-source server environment. It is built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript Engine. Node JS is a Framework written using C, C++ and JavaScript.
It uses a basic syntax of javascript along with additional features of C and C++ language. Node JS is the runtime environment for Javascript programming. In Node JS the source is written in Javascript file, and with the help of an interpreter, it is translated and then executed.
Node JS follows Single-Threaded with Event Loop Model with this architecture it is possible to manage many concurrent clients, which makes the server highly scalable as opposed to traditional servers.
Just like java here too the code can be reused, from the browser level, server level or maybe the database level. Mobile application development can be done with the help of Node JS also real-time applications can be developed and two interaction is possible, clients can communicate with servers and servers can send the response back and data exchange takes place without any restriction.
Frameworks developed using Node JS are Hapi.JS, Express.JS, Mojito, Partial JS and so on. As Node Js is single-threaded, the I/O is asynchronous. Development tools used in Node JS are WebStorm, Cloud9, Komodo IDE. Node Js is best used while developing a small scale project.
Node JS is not suitable for the large projects due to weaker parallel process. Development of websites through Node Js is sometimes proven to be faster as compared to Java. Node JS has vast and vibrant community support. The overall processing time while uploading audio and video files are cut down, and hence there is hardly any buffering of data observed during usage of files.
Difference between java and node js
1. Java was developed in 1995 by James Gosling and his team at Sun Microsystems. |
2. It is written using basic syntax of javascript along with addition features of C and C++ language. |
3. Node JS is the runtime environment for Javascript. |
4. Java is used to react responsive,interactive and complex web applications | 4. Node JS is used for development of fast web servers in JavaScript. |
5. Developers are majority for developing backend applications, which means server-side based. | 5. Developers develop frontend as well as backend applications with ease.Developers use both client side and server-side application for development. |
6. Some of the frameworks developed using Java are Spring, Struts, JSF, Tapestry, and so on. | 6. Frameworks developed using Node JS are Hapi.JS, Express.JS, Mojito, Partial JS and so on. |
7 . Development tools used in java are JDK(Java Development Kit), Eclipse IDE, NetBeans, Apache Maven etc. | 7. Development tools used in Node JS are WebStorm, Cloud9, Komodo IDE |
8.Java is multi threaded. | 8.Node Js is single threaded. |
9. As it follows multiple thread system, the I/O is synchronous in Java. | 9. As NodeJs is single threaded, the I/O is asynchronous. |
10. Java is mainly used for application that uses object oriented programming approach. | 10. Node Js are mainly used for application where runtime environment is required. |
We have discussed all the key aspects of both the programming languages, there are many factors to select from. Finally, the language we choose depends on which kind of application we want to develop.
For developing fast application Java programming language is preferred and for developing event-driven i/o bound application Node Js is preferred.Java is widely used for IoT development, for developing e-commerce websites and applications related to Big Data.
Java language is an excellent option for building highly concurrent web applications. Java programming language is considered to be the most popular language around the world, in comparison Node, JS achieves parallelism with the help of Javascript which is different from concurrency which is offered by java.
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