Nowadays every company no matter big or small feels it important to maintain blogs. As blogs help the users to keep visiting the site and generate traffic.
But writing a blog and managing it is not an easy task, a lot of factors affect the rankings of the website in the search engine results page.
Practise of blogging also helps to communicate better and share ideas with potential customers and form better bonds benefitting both the company and the reader.
Creating a good blog is challenging, as there are many competitors and there are various sites available having many articles written about the same topic. So how will you manage to get your article more attention or generate more traffic? For this, there are a number of things to be kept in mind while writing a blog and publishing it.
A blog does help with the SEO as when the blogs are posted and updated on a regular basis. It helps to improve many things that are used to increase the ranking factor.
A blog having relevant topics and in-depth researched-based information are referred by many, and hence the huge number of audience can be targeted.
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1. Blogging keeps your website fresh and current.
2. A blog keeps people engaging on your website and increases dwell time.
3. Write an attractive title tag for your blog.
4. Reach your targeted audience with EVERY blog post.
5. Simple and Smart URL structure.
6. Optimize images of your blog posts.
7. Guest Blogging
8. Make sure your blog is mobile-friendly
9. Social Sharing
Blogging helps to keep your website fresh and current.
How often the websites are updated? Unfortunately, not very often. But through blogging, you can post new topics and trends in which the users show interests, and keep the website fresh.
Google respects the websites that provide relevant and fresh contents also the ranking in the search engine results page is raised because when blogs are posted or updated the websites are also updated, and the google displays the updated and fresh content to readers.
Interesting and informative articles make an enthusiast reader stay for a longer time on your website. Dwell time basically indicates how much time the user is spending on that particular article.
If the article is relevant and resourceful the user will spend a long time on your website otherwise the user immediately leaves the website and switches to others, to find better results and more informative content.
Also, the blog gives internal linking opportunities, if you have referred topics from other sources such as e-books, websites or even your past blogs, this helps improve the relevance and increases trust.
As we know, there are various sites available and many blogs written about the same topic. The title is the first step that determines whether the reader is interested in reading your article further by clicking on it but the user will only be able to read your title if it appears in the top search engine results page because the readers tend to refer to pages that are top-rated and easily available.
Google refers to the title tag in the search results so it is very important to include keywords or 1-2 keywords phrases which will make your website rank higher. The title should also be attractive and powerful enough to grasp the reader’s attention.
Url also plays an important role in search engine optimization. Url is the web address used to locate your webpage. Web addresses are not memorable, but an eye-catchy and simple address can be remembered.
It is the most direct path through which one can reach your page. It is necessary to include 1 or 2 keywords and keep the URL small and simple, avoid the use of excess words, numerical and complex characters.
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Always write blog keeping in mind the audience that you have decided to reach through that particular article so that they like your article and are provided with the information that they were searching for.
This practise should be followed for every article that you publish , it will help you gain a good place in the industry. Creating interesting and specific content will increase the traffic to your site and will ensure that your targeted audience will be coming back to your site.
Include enough images in your articles as they help google provide better ranks to your webpages , the search engine can more easily find your article through images provided.
Include keywords in the reference links and also in the image descriptions and always update alt text for images . When the user searches for images in the result provided by google images it also contains the link of the source page and user is redirected to your site when he selects that image. Hence it is necessary to provide high resolution and relevant images.
It is necessary to expand your reach on the internet as it provides vast and endless opportunities. One such method you could follow is Guest Blogging. Here, visit well-known sites and write interesting articles there for the targeted audience.
This is the best way to promote your site and articles. Readers will want to visit your site and read more of your articles if they liked your guest blog, which will generate more traffic to your website.
Many readers like to read articles and keep updating themselves anywhere and at any time. This is possible through mobile devices like smartphones and tablets.
Nowadays mobile-friendly and responsive designs are given first priority as compared to others. It is not user-friendly if the website provides the mini desktop version on the mobile screen. The website needs to be adaptive depending on the device used and should provide the best user experience.
Social networking sites have vast community and you can reach your targeted audience more easily. You can upload the links of your articles on your social networking profiles and also share among various people, they can read it and further share it among them. This expands the network generating more traffic to your site.
Also, Google displays results from these sites too! you are giving search engine more ways to find your site easily and display it at higher position in search engine results page.